Bible Stories
“The oldest extant notice of a feast of Christ’s nativity occurs in a Roman almanac (the Philocalian Calendar of 354). It indicates that the festival was observed by the church in Rome by the year 336. Christmas is the most popular of all festivals among Christians and non-Christians alike, and its observance combines many strands of tradition. From the ancient Roman pagan festivals of Saturnalia (December 17) and New Year’s come the merrymaking and exchange of presents. Old Germanic midwinter customs have contributed the lighting of the Yule Log and decorations with evergreens. The Christmas tree comes from medieval German mystery plays about the tree of Paradise (Genesis 2:9). Francis of Assisi popularized the Christmas Crib, or Creche, in his celebration at Grecchio, Italy in 1223.”
(Adapted from the Britannica , Vol. 16)
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